
June 17, 2020

A few days ago, I came across a music video, I don’t remember the title of the song, but the artist was singing about how blessed he is because God has brought his from rags to riches, and this song really had me thinking.

How often do we measure how blessed we are based on material things?

If God has given you a house, or a car, or anything materialistic, feel free to thank Him for it and tell others about it, but don’t convince yourself into believing that just because you don’t have these beautiful and flashy things, then you are not blessed.

Jesus did not die for us to have money, fame, or the latest clothes. Jesus died so we could live! So don’t use the death of Jesus as an excuse for your narcissistic love of money.

The Bible says in Matthew 6:33 that “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Seek his righteousness not his riches! This verse shows us that money and material things are really just bonuses and the real reward is God himself and the life He has given us.

You are more blessed than you think! To have breathe in your lungs, to be able to enjoy nature, and to have free speech; did you know that the memes we share about the government could get us arrested in other countries? Now tell me, isn’t it a blessing to be able to laugh and share them openly?

Don’t ever overlook all the little blessings you have, instead, thank God for them lest you lose them.

Focus on what you have, not what is missing. Life will be happier that way!

Peace and love!

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