
August 10, 2020

music what feelings sound like music quotes music what feelings sound like 150232813

I will never forget the day I played my favorite song for my friend. He, in a matter of seconds, called it boring. I said what?! I can't even begin to explain the things I felt in that moment! For one, the song had barely begun when he said that, and second of all; I had been listening to his music for about 20 minutes and did not complain even though I'm not exactly a fan of the genre.

It felt like giving someone my heart and them dropping it without second thought. I'm still a little touched just thinking about it - but c'est la vie.

That leads me to my point today, if someone shares a song with you, please take time to listen to it at least once; they're sharing a piece of themselves with you.

The music a person listens to can be so telling of the kind of person they are, or at least their current mood. That's why it's important to choose the music you listen to carefully. The music you listen to repeatedly will have some sort of impact on you whether you like it or not, so be intentional about what you listen to.

I know what I said above about listening to the music your friends send you, but it's okay to listen to it once and say 'you know what, this is not for me.' - Just don't call it boring a few seconds in, that is brutal.

You've got to consistently listen to music that nourishes you, calms you, encourages you, inspires you - music that makes believe that there is good in this world.

Don't be a sheeple, listening to stuff just because "it's what everyone is listening to", be authentically intentional!

Peace and love!

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