
September 19, 2020

growing sunflowers

I am absolutely obsessed with sunflowers!

In many ways, I can relate to them. Generally, people don't look at sunflowers and immediately say "this is the most beautiful flower I've ever seen". It takes some examining and warming up to, to finally be able to say "this flower is so simple yet so beautiful"

And that's how I often feel; like a sunflower in a world full of roses.

The mistake I made growing up was believing that if someone is beautiful and they don't look like me, then I must not be beautiful. And believe me when I said I carried this for YEARS!

It took a lot of learning and unlearning to finally realize that someone's beauty does not eliminate my own. This is something that I am still learning and this is how my poem 'Beauty' was born.

I wrote it for myself as a reminder to never compare my beauty to anybody else's because chances are, the person I'm comparing myself to is probably comparing themselves to somebody they think of as "prettier than them" and just like that we're stuck in a loop of beautiful people doubting themselves, their worth and their purpose.

Even though I wrote this poem for myself, I hope that it helps someone realize that they are beautiful even if they don't meet society's standard of beauty. I hope that this poem encourages someone to take the first step to loving themselves because this is one type of love that will never be in vain.

Listen and stream my poem on Audiomack

Or download it here

Peace and love!

© 2020 Gamer Girl 44